rastos kolekcijos
Įrašų skaičius puslapyje:
- Strahovské nádvoří 1, 118 38 Praha 1 - Hradčany, Czech Republic
- Temos:
Įkūrimo data:
- 1984
- Charakteringi eksponatai:
- București Strada Matei Basarab 55, Romania 030167
- Temos:
- Charakteringi eksponatai:
- Gothenburg Julaftonsgatan 52, Sweden 415 14
- Temos:
Įkūrimo data:
- 1984
Charakteringi eksponatai:
- Call for Protest in Support of the “Arrested” Editors of the Romanian Hungarian Samizdat Ellenpontok, in Hungarian, 20 November 1982
- Letter “Smuggled” Across the Romanian-Hungarian Border, in Hungarian, 6 October 1984 (Letter Size: 15 cm x 14cm)
- Samizdat issue of Ellenpontok No. 8, in Hungarian, October 1982
The Elza Rudenāja and Vladislavs Urtāns collection at the Madona Museum of Local History and Arts shows how much devoted and resourceful people could contribute to the preservation of the local and national culture by working within the system, even in an inhospitable political environment.
- Madona Skolas iela 12, Latvia LV-4801
- Temos:
Įkūrimo data:
- 1944
- Charakteringi eksponatai:
- Zagreb Trg Marka Marulića 21, Croatia 10000
- Temos:
Įkūrimo data:
- 1979
- Charakteringi eksponatai: