filtrai ˆ

Securitate (Department of State Security)


Įkūrimo data

  • 1948

Akronimas (jei yra)

  • Securitate

Organizacijos pobūdis

  • Kita

Veiklos pobūdis

  • Vyriausybės/valstybinė įstaiga


  • Petrescu, Cristina

Nuorodų sąrašas

CNSAS. 2016. “Decretul nr. 221/ 1948 pentru organizarea și înființarea Direcțiunii Generale a Securității Popurului” (Decree no. 221/1948 for the organisation and the foundation of the General Directorate of the People’s Security). Accessed December 12.

CNSAS. 2016. “The European Network of Official Authorities in Charge of Secret Police Files: A Reader on the Legal Foundations, Structures and Activities.” Accessed May 2.

CNSAS. 2016. “Handbook of the European Network of Official Authorities in Charge of the Secret Police Files.” Accessed May 2.

Deletant, Dennis. 1996. Ceaușescu and the Securitate: Coercion and Dissent in Romania, 1965–1989. London: Hurst & Co Publishers.

Securitatea – Structuri / Cadre, Obiective şi metode: Colecție de documente (The Securitate – structures / cadres, objectives, and methods: Collection of documents). 2006. 2 Vols. Edited by Florica Dobre, Elis Neagoe-Pleşa, and Liviu Pleşa. Bucharest: Editura Enciclopedică.;

Müller, Herta. 2009. Cristina und ihre Attrappe oder Was (nicht) in den Akten der Securitate steht. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag.

Petrescu, Cristina and Dragoș Petrescu. 2010. “The Pitești Syndrome: A Romanian Vergangenheitsbewältigung?” In Postdiktatorische Geschichtskulturen im Süden und Osten Europas: Bestandsaufnahme und Forschungsperspektiven, edited by Stefan Troebst, 502–618. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag.

2018-09-03 17:25:10