filtrai ˆ

Kalinovská, Milena  

Milena Kalinovská

Milena Kalinovská is an art theoretician and former director of the Collection of Modern and Contemporary Art at the National Gallery in Prague (2015-2018). She emigrated from Czechoslovakia in 1970, then she studied in the United Kingdom and in Canada. Until 2015, she worked in the United States as a director of collections and curator.


Gimimo vieta

  • Praha, Prague, Czech Republic

Gimimo data

  • 1948

Svarbaus asmens vaidmuo


  • Kůželová, Michaela

Nuorodų sąrašas

Konrád, Daniel, and Aktuálně.cz. 2018. "V Národní galerii končí šéfka sbírky Kalinovská. Do Prahy se vrátila po 45 letech v emigraci." Last modified June 6.

2019-01-15 13:36:39