Kolekcija atskleidžia mėgėjiško filmo autorių veiklą ir kūrybą. Ši veikla, būdama mėgėjiška ir nepriklausydama oficialiai ir profesionaliai kūrybinei infrastruktūrai, išvengdavo griežtos sovietinės cenzūros. Todėl menininkai savo darbuose galėjo paliesti jautrius socialinius klausimus, naudoti įvairias kūrybinės saviraiškos formas ir būdus.
Vilnius O. Milašiaus gatvė 21, Lithuania 10102
Įkūrimo data:
Charakteringi eksponatai:
Vinco Kisarausko kolekcija apima dokumentus susijusius su žymaus Lietuvos dailininko Vinco Kisarausko kūrybiniu ir asmeniniu gyvenimu. Vincas Kisarauskas yra vienas svarbiausių lietuviškojo ekslibriso judėjimo atstovų, o jo kolekcija apima ekslibriso ir kitų darbų originalus bei kitus svarbius dokumentus.
10102 Vilnius O. Milašiaus gatvė 19 , Lithuania
Įkūrimo data:
Charakteringi eksponatai:
The collection of the banned journal “
Mozgó Világ” (World in Move), emerging out of a retrospective exhibition, provides unique insight into the stormy history that started to unfold in the 1970s as the outcome of the decision of young writers, artists, and scholars to regain their right to radically criticize the regime, to organize their own groups, and to engage in some overt conflicts, if needed.
Szentendre , Magyarország
Įkūrimo data:
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András Kisfaludy’s collection suggests ways of interpreting retrospective gazes on the alternative culture of the socialist period. While Kisfaludy is the owner of a sizable private collection that concerns alternative and dissent culture of the era, he is more a creator than a collector of documents. During the late 1950s and early 1960s, he was a member of the famous youth gang called "Kalef" (in 2006, he made a film about the gang). From 1968 to 1971, he was the percussionist of the underground band "Kex.” Kisfaludy began to make documentary films on cultural opposition in the 1990s. The core of his oeuvre was done between the early 1990s and early 2000s.
The status of the collection is special because the rights of the movies belong exclusively to András Kisfaludy, so the collection exists only as a private collection. However, the majority of his films are accessible via Youtube.
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As an art historian and curator, László Beke took an active role as both a participant and theoretician in the development of the Hungarian neo–avant-garde movements that had been marginalized by the cultural politics of the time in Hungary. Beke’s private archive, which is kept at the Budapest City Archives, provides a precise imprint of his activities: instead of working from the perspective of a critic, he engaged the artists as a partner. In this spirit he initiated many exhibitions and projects, the documents of which provide the backbone of the archive, complemented with the outcome of his systematic collecting activities that began in his early teens.
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