Nors nebuvo filosofų pogrindžio sovietinės Lietuvos organizacijos, Lietuvos dėstytojai ir filosofijos mokslininkai taikėsi prie sovietinės ideologijos ir naudojo legalias formas tam, kad pasiektų kultūrinės opozicijos veiklos tikslų. Lietuvos filosofai suvaidino reikšmingą vaidmenį Sąjūdžio laikotarpiu. Vienas svarbiausių Lietuvos filosofų veikėjų buvo Romualdas Ozolas. Sovietmečiu jis užėmė atsakingas pareigas, kaip LTSR Ministrų tarybos pirmininko pavaduotojo patarėjo, tačiau tuo pačiu metu jis buvo įsitraukęs į įvairias kultūrines iniciatyvas, kurios ėjo toli už tuometinės ideologijos ribų. Būdamas skrupulingas kolekcionierius, Ozolas paliko labai turtingą archyvą, kuris vis dar laukia tyrėjų dėmesio.
10102 Vilnius O. Milašiaus gatvė 19 , Lithuania
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The Aktionsgruppe Banat Ad-hoc Collection reflects the type of cultural opposition represented by a group of Romanian-German writers, who founded together the literary circle Aktionsgruppe Banat and developed a neo-Marxist criticism of “really existing socialism.” The collection comprises two types of items: (1) manuscripts and other materials confiscated by the Securitate from these writers, (2) documents issued by the Securitate concerning their cultural activity, which the communist regime perceived as dangerous.
București Strada Matei Basarab 55, Romania 030167
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The collection contains materials describing the activities of the Brno´s Protestant dissent, the philosopher Božena Komárková. It also documents lectures from the secretive meetings held in Božena Komárková’s apartment.
Hudcova 76, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic
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Ferenc Fejtő was an original, democratic leftist thinker. His library is a unique trace of the criticism of Eastern European rightist, authoritarianist, socialist dictatorship, and Western European leftist romanticism. Fejtő, who maintained strong connections with European intellectual elites, left Hungary for France in 1938, yet remained deeply committed to the fate of freedom-lacking Eastern Europe.
Fehérvárcsurgó Petőfi Sándor utca 2, Hungary 8052
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The Fištrović Collection of the Fran Galović Library and Reading Room in Koprivnica contains about 1,300 historical, political, economic and cultural books in English, many of which are the only copies in Croatia. The books were used by a group of Croatian intellectuals in Chicago in the 1990s to address the American public and advocate for a democratic and independent Croatia, which can be considered a final act of resistance to the Yugoslav socialist regime. The authors of some of the books are also intellectuals from the former Yugoslav republics, and their work, published in English, is evidence of their dissent against the Yugoslav system of government.
Koprivnica Zrinski trg 6, Croatia 48000
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