Throughout his life, Károly Hetényi Varga has searched for and collected the biographical information of clericals who suffered from persecution by the Nazis and communists. Thanks to his interest and devoted efforts, an impressive body of work has formed. Hetényi Varga didn’t study history at a university, however. He created a unique, specific research system, the results of which remain indispensable to us.
Kismaros Szuttai dűlő, Hungary 2623
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The Collection of Lénárd Ödön is a combination of items which would usually be representative of collections on religious resistance under the socialist dictatorship. It is at the same time the outcome of manifest resistance against the dictatorship and a private collection of documents based on Lénárd’s personal research. The trajectory of the collection offers insights into the ways in which archives which had been private were institutionalized after 1989.
Kismaros Szuttai dűlő, Hungary 2623
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This ad-hoc collection, located in two archives in Budapest, includes archival materials about Lajos Ordass, the bishop of the biggest evangelical church district in Hungary (1945-1948). The communist leaders stigmatized him as the “leader of the evangelical resistance.” After having spent years in prison, Ordass lived isolated from other church leaders, and his writings were prohibited. In this context, simply collecting his legacy constituted a form of opposition to the dictatorship.
Budapest Bécsikapu tér 2-4, Hungary 1014
Budapest Teve utca 3, Hungary 1139
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Control of the cultural life in Latvia was one of functions of the Latvian Communist Party (LCP) Central Committee (CC). The collection of documents furnishes rich information about the formulation and implementation of LCP CC cultural policy, about ‘deviations’ from the official path committed by the cultural opposition, and about attempts to use Latvian culture for the political ends of the Soviet regime in 1940-1991.
Rīga Kurzemes prospekts 5, Latvia LV-1067
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This collection contains documents about the Hungarian churches and their relationships to the communist political police. The material, preserved in the Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security, gives insights into forms of religious activism under state socialism and documents actions implemented by the state against ecclesiastical/religious groups.
Budapest Eötvös utca 7, Hungary 1067
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