alternatyvios švietimo formos
alternatyvūs gyvenimo būdai ir pasipriešinimas kasdienybėje
atsisakiusieji tarnauti kariuomenėje dėl įsitikinimų
avangardas, neo avangardas
demokratinė opozicija
disidentai partijoje
etninis judėjimas
filmas filosofinės/ teorinės srovės gamtos apsauga
jaunimo kultūrta kritinis mokslas liaudies kultūra
literatūra ir literatūros kritika
mažumų judėjimai
medijos menas
mokslinė kritika
moterų judėjimas muzika
nepriklausoma žurnalistika pogrindinė kultūra
populiarioji kultūra
religinė veikla
samizdatas sekimas
socialiniai judėjimai
studentų judėjimas
taikos judėjimas tautiniai judėjimai
tetras ir kitos scenos meno rūšys
totalitarinių/autoritarinių režimų represijas pergyvenę asmenys
vaizduojamasis menas
vizualieji menai
žmogaus teisių judėjimas
artefaktai atmintini daiktai
audio įrašai
kitas kiti meno kūriniai
muzikiniai įrašai
paveikslai pilkoji literatūra rankraščiai
skulptūros taikomojo meno objektai
teisiniai ir/ar finansiniai dokumentai
video įrašai įranga
šaržai ir karikatūros
The art collection of Indrek Hirv consists of works by artists who continued the spirit of art from before the Soviet occupation. Many of them were persecuted, and later they did not obtain official recognition. Some became reformers of art, who resisted the Soviet discourse and Socialist Realism. Although some works in this collection depicted directly forbidden subject matter, like prison camps and prisoners, resistance to the Soviet regime is expressed mostly through the style.
The Institute of National Remembrance – Commission for the Prosecution of Offences against the Polish Nation (IPN) was created under parliament act of 1998 and is a state body authorised to carry out research, educational, archival, investigative, and vetting activities. The head office is located in Warsaw and there are 11 branch offices in larger cities, as well as 7 delegations. The historical scope of Institute’s activities is very ample, as its operations concern the period from 1944 to 1989.
Its tasks include collecting and managing national security services’ documents created between 22 July 1944 and 31 July 1990, as well as investigating Nazi and communist crimes - against Polish nationals or Polish citizens of other nationalities - committed between 8 November 1917 and 31 July 1990. Other important activities include scientific research and public education. Institute of National Remembrance collaborates closely with State Archives, veteran organisations, historical associations and foreign agendas involved in research and commemoration of the recent history, in particular history of Central-Eastern Europe.
Ferenc Erős’s interview collection includes in-depth interviews with second-generation Holocaust survivors. This project was one of the first which seeks to revive suppressed memories of the Holocaust and the effects of the psychological strategies used to grapple with these memories and the ways in which trauma are transmitted within families.