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43 rasti charakteringi eksponatai
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The fourth New Tendencies event was held in Zagreb from August 1968 to August 1969. Tošo Dabac visited the event, where he took a photograph of one of the meetings of participants. The photograph shows Dušan Džamonja, Marija Braut, Božo Beck, Ivan Picelj and Victor Vasarely.

The anthological exhibition of Ivan Picelj was held at the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb in 1962. On that occasion, Tošo Dabac took a series of photographs as a memento of the event. Six years later, in 1968, Dabac had his exhibition in the same place, and on that occasion Picelj made a poster for it.

The third New Tendencies event was held in Zagreb from 13 August to 19 September 1965. One of the guests from abroad was an Italian art theorist, Lea Vergine, whose tour of the exhibition was captured by Tošo Dabac.