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55 rasti charakteringi eksponatai
Įrašų skaičius puslapyje:       «« ankstesnis puslapis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 10 11 kitas puslapis »»
  • Vieta:
    • Bělohorská 201/150, 169 00 Praha 6 - Břevnov, Czech Republic
  • Kalbos:
    • Čekų
  • Autorius:
  • Sukūrimo metai:
    • 1990
  • Charakteringas eksponatas:
  • Vieta:
    • Praha, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Autorius:
  • Sukūrimo metai:
    • 1986
  • Charakteringas eksponatas:

Malevich wrote this article while teaching at the Kyiv Art Institute. This article provides an overview of the faculty of formal-technical disciplines at the institute. 

In this article, Malevich presented his vision of the arts education in the future academy.

János Kenedi edited a volume entitled “Profil,” which was one of the first samizdats in 1976. The illegally published book was comprised of essays for which permission to be published had been denied.