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84 rasti asmenys
Įrašų skaičius puslapyje:       «« ankstesnis puslapis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 16 17 kitas puslapis »»
  • Vieta:
    • Szeged Lövölde út 203, Hungary 6726
  • Vieta:
    • Bucharest, Romania

Ágnes Katalin Bartha (1978) is a literary historian and theatre historian, doctor of philological studies. She works at the László Szabédi Memorial House since 2003, being solely responsible for processing archival documents and running the Memorial House.

  • Vieta:
    • Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Vieta:
    • Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Vieta:
    • Dnipro, Ukraine 49000
    • Geneva, Switzerland
    • Gruyère District, Bulle, Switzerland
    • Lausanne, Switzerland
    • Oryol, Russia
    • Paris, France
    • Saint Petersburg, Russia