Exhibition: Polish Underground Library in Prague
The exhibition “Polish Underground Library in Prague in Libri Prohibiti’s Collections” took place from December 2009 to January 2010. The exhibition presented materials of the Polish Underground Library that are part of Libri prohibiti’s collections – mainly Polish underground and exile publications.
Senovážné nám. 2, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Rodyti žemėlapyje
Interneto svetainė
metai, kai įvykis prasidėjo
- 2009
Pagrindiniai veikėjai
- Kůželová, Michaela
Nuorodų sąrašas
Štogrová, Jarmila, Dorota Müllerová, and Zita Chalupová, eds. 2010. Česko-polská literatura v samizdatu a druhém oběhu: studie a rozhovory s překladateli. Praha: Libri prohibiti.
Libri prohibiti. 2019. "Polská podzemní knihovna." Accessed January 18. http://polpk.wz.cz/Polska_podzemni_knihovna/Aktuality.html.
2019-02-16 17:12:44