filtrai ˆ

Exhibition "Tahavaatepeegel" [rear-view mirror] in 2013

A view of one of the walls from the exhibition. A painting by Kaja Kärner, that is part of the Heldur Viires' collection, is in the fourth row from the right side.


metai, kai įvykis prasidėjo

  • 2013


  • Hint, Liisi
  • Tark, Triin

Nuorodų sąrašas

Hirv, Indrek. 2013. "Indrek Hirv: hoitud järjepidevus." Tartu Postimees, July 28. Accessed October 14, 2017.
Piirimäe, Krista. 2013. "Haruldased maalid Pariisiski." Tartu Postimees, July 28. Accessed October 14, 2017.

2018-09-14 17:17:15