Liget Gallery
Liget Gallery is a small non-profit gallery operated by the Cultural House of the XIV. district of Budapest. Since its founding in 1983 they arranged approximately 450 exhibitions and events in the gallery or elsewhere. In the eighties they started to present solo shows of artists from the region as well as actual works from artists living in Hungary.
Budapest Ajtósi Dürer sor 5, Hungary 1146
Rodyti žemėlapyje
Interneto svetainė
Įkūrimo data
- 1983
Organizacijos pobūdis
- Galerija
Veiklos pobūdis
- Vyriausybės/valstybinė įstaiga
Operatoriaus vaidmuo
- Beöthy, Balázs
2018-03-05 22:24:03