alternatyvios švietimo formos
alternatyvūs gyvenimo būdai ir pasipriešinimas kasdienybėje
atsisakiusieji tarnauti kariuomenėje dėl įsitikinimų
avangardas, neo avangardas
demokratinė opozicija
disidentai partijoje
etninis judėjimas
filmas filosofinės/ teorinės srovės gamtos apsauga
jaunimo kultūrta kritinis mokslas liaudies kultūra
literatūra ir literatūros kritika
mažumų judėjimai
medijos menas
mokslinė kritika
moterų judėjimas muzika
nepriklausoma žurnalistika pogrindinė kultūra
populiarioji kultūra
religinė veikla
samizdatas sekimas
socialiniai judėjimai
studentų judėjimas
taikos judėjimas tautiniai judėjimai
tetras ir kitos scenos meno rūšys
totalitarinių/autoritarinių režimų represijas pergyvenę asmenys
vaizduojamasis menas
vizualieji menai
žmogaus teisių judėjimas
artefaktai atmintini daiktai
audio įrašai
kitas kiti meno kūriniai
muzikiniai įrašai
paveikslai pilkoji literatūra rankraščiai
skulptūros taikomojo meno objektai
teisiniai ir/ar finansiniai dokumentai
video įrašai įranga
šaržai ir karikatūros
The Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities is a legally constituted public entity under the authority of the Romanian Government. It was established in 2007. One of the RIRNM’s departments is the Documentation Centre. Its role is to facilitate research on national minorities from Romania, and to this aim, the Documentation Centre collects and archives primary research sources too.
The present collection comprises a series of archival materials relating to the activities of the Moldavian Union of Cinematographers (MUC). It covers the period from the early 1960s to the late 1980s. The materials in this collection were selected from Fonds No. P-2773 (Uniunea Cineaștilor din Moldova), which is currently held in the Archive of Social-Political Organisations (AOSPRM) of the Republic of Moldova in Chișinău. The collection files mainly focus on a number of professional congresses of the MUC and national conferences of cinematographers, with a special emphasis on the 1960s, early 1970s, and late 1980s. These materials are revealing for the uneasy relationship of the local film industry with the Soviet authorities, highlighting the internal dynamics and competition within the organisation, but also the ideological pressure exercised by the regime.
The present collection comprises a series of archival materials relating to the activities of the Moldavian Writers’ Union (MWU) and spanning the period from the early 1950s to the late 1980s. The materials in this collection were selected from Fond No. P-2955 (Uniunea Scriitorilor din Moldova), which is currently held in the Archive of Social-Political Organisations of the Republic of Moldova (AOSPRM) in Chișinău. The collection files mainly focus on a number of Party meetings, writers’ congresses and national conferences which discussed significant issues related to the local cultural heritage, the “language question,” and the relations between the literary milieu and the Soviet regime.
The collection of the Slovak writer and publicist Dominik Tatarka (1913–1989) contains unique correspondence, manuscripts and audio recordings illustrating life of this leading Czechoslovak writer, who had been critical to the communist regime since 1950s and became a “banned author” and dissident after 1968.