alternatyvios švietimo formos
alternatyvūs gyvenimo būdai ir pasipriešinimas kasdienybėje
atsisakiusieji tarnauti kariuomenėje dėl įsitikinimų
avangardas, neo avangardas
demokratinė opozicija
disidentai partijoje
etninis judėjimas
filmas filosofinės/ teorinės srovės gamtos apsauga
jaunimo kultūrta kritinis mokslas liaudies kultūra
literatūra ir literatūros kritika
mažumų judėjimai
medijos menas
mokslinė kritika
moterų judėjimas muzika
nepriklausoma žurnalistika pogrindinė kultūra
populiarioji kultūra
religinė veikla
samizdatas sekimas
socialiniai judėjimai
studentų judėjimas
taikos judėjimas tautiniai judėjimai
tetras ir kitos scenos meno rūšys
totalitarinių/autoritarinių režimų represijas pergyvenę asmenys
vaizduojamasis menas
vizualieji menai
žmogaus teisių judėjimas
artefaktai atmintini daiktai
audio įrašai
kitas kiti meno kūriniai
muzikiniai įrašai
paveikslai pilkoji literatūra rankraščiai
skulptūros taikomojo meno objektai
teisiniai ir/ar finansiniai dokumentai
video įrašai įranga
šaržai ir karikatūros
The collection is important proof of the activities of a left-thinking historian, a "spiritual father" and co-founder of the Committee for the Defence of the Unjustly Prosecuted (VONS), a co-publisher of unofficial periodic Dialogy, who was imprisoned several times and forced to go to exile, where he collaborated with dissidents from other socialist countries.
The Jazz Section (JS) Collection was founded thanks to Karel Mašita, a former member of the section, and was supplemented by materials collected in exile by the historian Vilém Prečan. The collection contains documents which had been created since 1968: e.g. the correspondence regarding the foundation of JS and the first years of its operation, plans for activities, correspondence with authorities, documents regarding supervision and screenings, complaints concerning the attempts by the authorities to dissolve JS, the liquidation of the Union of Musicians and the reaction of the international press to the trials of members of JS.
This collection contains letters which the Libri Prohibiti Library obtained from the estate of the poet and manager of the Czechoslovak underground band Plastic People of the Universe, Ivan Martin Jirous. These letters were written by his wife, the painter Juliana Jirousová, during his many stays in prison. However, we can also find several unknown letters which were written before their wedding. This collection contains over 120 letters.
The János Baksa Soós Special Collection administers the acoustic, written and visual documents of János Baksa Soós’ oeuvre. Throughout his career (which began in Budapest and consummated in Berlin), Baksa Soós turned attitude into an artistic medium and acted in the spirit of conviviality. The goal of the collection, which is held in the Tamás Cseh Archive, is to present the works of the artist, who was active in several genres, in the context of the era and the effects of his attitude on his milieu.