Kolekciją sudaro du Lietuvos gyventojų genocido ir rezistencijos tyrimų centro internetiniai puslapiai: www.kgbdocuments.eu ir
www.kgbveikla.lt . Abiejuose publikuojami KGB dokumentai. Internetinis portalas
www.kgbdocuments.eu yra skirtas labiau tarptautinei auditorijai ir yra dalis Baltijos šalių projekto. Internetinis portalas kgbveikla.lt yra labiau pritaikytas Lietuvos vartotojui. Kolekcija liudija apie valdžios institucijų pastangas informuoti visuomenę ir tarptautinę auditoriją apie sovietinio režimo vykdytas represijas ir įtakoti sovietinės praeities vertinimą.
Vilnius Didžioji gatvė 17, Lithuania 01128
Įkūrimo data:
Charakteringi eksponatai:
Kolekciją sudaro 24 foto nuotraukos, padarytos KGB operatyvinio darbuotojo (arba slaptojo agento). Nuotraukose įamžintas jaunimo protestas Kaune 1972 metų pavasarį po Romo Kalantos susideginimo.
01109 Vilnius Kražių gatvė 5 , Lithuania
Įkūrimo data:
Charakteringi eksponatai:
The collection contains approximately 68,800 intelligence files produced by the State Security Service of the Republic Internal Affairs Secretariat of the Socialist Republic of Croatia, the civilian security and intelligence service in Croatia in the period from 1946 to 1990. The Service monitored all persons whose activities were assessed as a threat to the state's political and security system. A significant number of files pertain to members of religious communities, political émigrés, participants in the Croatian Spring, as well as other political and intellectual dissidents.
Zagreb Trg Marka Marulića 21, Croatia 10000
Charakteringi eksponatai:
The Aktionsgruppe Banat Ad-hoc Collection reflects the type of cultural opposition represented by a group of Romanian-German writers, who founded together the literary circle Aktionsgruppe Banat and developed a neo-Marxist criticism of “really existing socialism.” The collection comprises two types of items: (1) manuscripts and other materials confiscated by the Securitate from these writers, (2) documents issued by the Securitate concerning their cultural activity, which the communist regime perceived as dangerous.
București Strada Matei Basarab 55, Romania 030167
Charakteringi eksponatai:
The Alexandru Călinescu private collection epitomises the trajectory of an intellectual in an important university city who began to practise a camouflaged contestation, published in local student magazines, with a limited readership, and ended up in unequivocal public opposition, disseminated transnationally through foreign radio stations. The collection marks some of the key episodes in the movement of resistance to and contestation of the communist regime as it manifested itself in Iaşi, the historical capital of the region of Moldavia and the city with the oldest university in the Old Kingdom of Romania. At the same time, the collection and the personal story of Alexandru Călinescu illustrate a lesson in dignity in very difficult times, when there were few who had the courage to speak openly against the Ceaușescu regime.
Iași Strada Păcurari 8, Romania
Įkūrimo data:
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