filtrai ˆ

Shafir, Michael 


Gimimo vieta

  • Bucharest, Romania

Gimimo data

  • 1944


  • Petrescu, Cristina
  • Pintilescu, Corneliu

Nuorodų sąrašas

Cristea-Enache, Daniel. 2013. “În dialog cu Michael Shafir: ‘Nu poţi opta pentru un individualism opac la nevoile societăţii’” (Talking with Michael Shafir: ‘One cannot chose for narrow-minded individualism when dealing with the needs of society’). Adevărul, March 13. Accessed September 14, 2016.

Shafir, Michael. 1985. Romania: Politics, Economics and Society: Political Stagnation and Simulated Change, London: Frances Pinter.

Shafir, Michael, interview by Pintilescu, Corneliu, August 28, 2016. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2017-11-03 15:55:12