alternatyvios švietimo formos
alternatyvūs gyvenimo būdai ir pasipriešinimas kasdienybėje
atsisakiusieji tarnauti kariuomenėje dėl įsitikinimų
avangardas, neo avangardas
demokratinė opozicija
disidentai partijoje
etninis judėjimas
filmas filosofinės/ teorinės srovės gamtos apsauga
jaunimo kultūrta kritinis mokslas liaudies kultūra
literatūra ir literatūros kritika
mažumų judėjimai
medijos menas
mokslinė kritika
moterų judėjimas muzika
nepriklausoma žurnalistika pogrindinė kultūra
populiarioji kultūra
religinė veikla
samizdatas sekimas
socialiniai judėjimai
studentų judėjimas
taikos judėjimas tautiniai judėjimai
tetras ir kitos scenos meno rūšys
totalitarinių/autoritarinių režimų represijas pergyvenę asmenys
vaizduojamasis menas
vizualieji menai
žmogaus teisių judėjimas
artefaktai atmintini daiktai
audio įrašai
kitas kiti meno kūriniai
muzikiniai įrašai
paveikslai pilkoji literatūra rankraščiai
skulptūros taikomojo meno objektai
teisiniai ir/ar finansiniai dokumentai
video įrašai įranga
šaržai ir karikatūros
The Private collection of Sándor Olasz, editor of Tiszatáj, a journal banned in the 1980s, about critical, nonconformist literature. The collection is owned by Sándor Olasz’s family: his widow and son.
The collection "Only the Forbidden Newspapers Remain in History!" (Stefan Prodev) is one of the many collections of funds of the National Library "St. Cyril and St. Methodius "(NBCM), containing rich and diverse materials for and from the socialist period.
The newspapers and magazines presented in the collection show the possible forms of opposition by journalists and authors; the ways in which questions of freedom of the press were raised; the attempts to circumvent censorship and to rise critical issues on the regime; to develop new insights into artistic and genre diversity.
The lay Catholic Association Opus Bonum was founded in 1972 as a community of people caring for the preservation of the values of Czech and Slovak Christian culture. Since 1978, it has been holding symposiums in Bavarian Franken, which grew into unique discussions of various streams of Czechoslovak exile. Opus bonum also engaged in charity activities, organized concerts, exhibitions, literary evenings and published publications that spread through Czechoslovakia. Through its activities, it has always tried to help the anti-communist opposition in Czechoslovakia. After 1989, the documentation centre focused on supporting research on the history of domestic spiritual resistance, opposition movements and civic initiatives, as well as on the history of Czech and Slovak democratic exile.
The collection of Oral History Archive (OHA) of the KARTA and the History Meeting House strives to show Polish and Central European modern history from the individual, everyday life perspective. It consists of thousands of biographical interviews and family photographs which witness to the ambiguity, richness and different modes of lifestyles before, during, and after the World War II. First interviews of the OHA were recorded in the 1980s.
A small group of devoted researchers began to do interviews in 1981 with people who had been active in the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. The aim of people who did the interviews was to reveal, by giving people chances to share personal memories, the real story of this decisive set of events, which were taboo under the Kádár regime, which had violently suppressed the revolution and which was eager to make up for its lack legitimacy in the eyes of the population by spreading false propaganda. These early interviews later served as the core collection of the Oral History Archives, which was founded in Budapest in 1985.