Hans Mattis-Teutsch - Colecţia de la Muzeul de Artă Brașov

The collection reflects the troubled relationship of the avant-garde artist Hans Mattis-Teutsch with the communist regime due to his maladjustment to the official cultural policies, and in particular the ways in which his work was perceived and administered by the cultural institutions under communism. It includes paintings, sculptures, and graphic works created by Hans Mattis-Teutsch in the period from the 1910s to the 1950s.
Brașov Bulevardul Eroilor 21, Romania 500030
Rodyti žemėlapyje
- Rumunų
Kolekcijos pavadinimas
- Hans Mattis–Teutsch Collection
Kilmė ir kultūrinė veikla
Turinio aprašymas
- grafika: 10-99
- paveikslai: 10-99
- skulptūros: 10-99
Operatorius (iai)
Asmuo (asmenys) svarbūs kolekcijai
- Popica, Radu
Geografinė pastarojo meto veiklos aprėptis
- regioninis
Įkūrimo data
- 1909
Įkūrimo vieta
Brașov, Romania
Rodyti žemėlapyje
Turinio kūrėjai
Kolekcijos sudarytojas(i)
Svarbūs įvykiai kolekcijos istorijoje
Charakteringi eksponatai
Galimybė pasinaudoti
- atviras priėjimas
Popica, Radu, and Anca Maria Zamfir, eds. 2009. Mattis-Teutsch, artist al avangardei (Mattis-Teutsch, avant-garde artist). Braşov: Muzeul de Artă Braşov.
- Petrescu, Cristina
- Pintilescu, Corneliu
Nuorodų sąrašas
Almási, Tibor. 2001. The Other Mattis-Teutsch. Györ: Régió Art Publishig House.
Breaz, Dan-Octavian. 2013. “Perspective actuale asupra avangardei istorice româneşti: modernizare artistică şi politizare în pictura avangardistă românească.” (Current perspectives on the historical Romanian avant-garde: artistic modernity and political immixture in Romanian avant-garde painting) PhD diss., Babeş-Bolyai University.
Cârneci, Magda. 2013. Artele plastice în România 1945–1989 (The visual arts in Romania 1945–1989). Iași: Polirom, 2013.
Deac, Mircea. 1985. Mattis-Teutsch și realismul constructiv (Mattis-Teutsch and constructive realism). Cluj-Napoca: Dacia.
Gassner, Hubertus. 2001. “Hans Mattis-Teutsch und Der Blaue Reiter.” In Mattis-Teutsch und Der Blaue Reiter, edited by Éva Bajkay, 37–67. München: Haus der Kunst.
Ittu, Gudrun-Liane. 2009. “Receptarea operelor lui Hans Mattis-Teutsch în periodicele germane din Transilvania.” (The reception of Hans Mattis-Teutsch’s work in the German-language periodicals in Transylvania). In Mattis-Teutsch, artist al avangardei (Mattis-Teutsch, artist of the avant-garde), edited by Radu Popica and Anca Maria Zamfir, 31–46. Braşov: Muzeul de Artă Braşov.
Macovescu, George. 1985. Introduction to Mattis-Teutsch și realismul constructiv (Mattis-Teutsch and constructive realism), by Mircea Deac, 5–6. Cluj-Napoca: Dacia.
Mattis-Teutsch, Hans. 1931. Kunstideologie: Stabilität und Aktivität im Kunstwerk. Potsdam: Müller u. J. Kiepenheuer Verlag.
Mattis-Teutsch, Hans. 1977. Kunstideologie: Stabilität und Aktivität im Kunstwerk (second edition). Bucureşti: Kriterion Verlag.
Mesea, Iulia. 2009. “Peisaj – Pe portativul emoţiei creatoare a lui Hans Mattis-Teutsch” (On the scale of Hans Mattis-Teutsch’s creative emotion). In Mattis-Teutsch, artist al avangardei (Mattis-Teutsch, artist of the avant-garde), edited by Radu Popica and Anca Maria Zamfir, 11–30. Braşov: Muzeul de Artă Braşov.
Popica, Radu. 2009. “Argument.” In Mattis-Teutsch, artist al avangardei (Mattis-Teutsch, avant-garde artist), edited by Radu Popica and Anca Maria Zamfir, 9–10. Braşov: Muzeul de Artă Braşov.
Popica, Radu. 2015. “Centrul artistic braşovean în perioada postbelică (1945-1989).” [Braşov as an artistic centre in the post-war period (1945–1989)]. In Arta braşoveană postbelică: 1945–1989. Repere din colecţia Muzeului de Artă Braşov (Post-war art in Braşov: 1945–1989. Landmarks in the collection of Braşov Art Museum), edited by Radu Popica, 4–23. Braşov: Editura Muzeului de Artă Braşov.
Popica, Radu. 2016. “Centrul artistic braşovean în perioada interbelică şi în anii celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial (1919–1944)” (Braşov as an artistic centre in the interwar period and during the Second World War (1919–1944)). In Arta braşoveană interbelică (Interwar art in Braşov), edited by Radu Popica, 4–57. Braşov: Editura Muzeului de Artă Braşov.
Petrescu, Dragoş. 2010. Explaining the Romanian Revolution of 1989: Culture, Structure and Contingency. Bucharest: Editura Enciclopedică.
Vasile, Cristian. 2010. Literatura şi artele în România comunistă, 1949–1953 (Literature and the arts in communist Romania, 1949–1953). Bucharest: Humanitas, 2010.
Vida, Mariana, and Gheorghe Vida. 2001. “Mattis-Teutsch und die rumänische Avantgarde.” In Mattis-Teutsch und Der Blaue Reiter, edited by Éva Bajkay, 83–97. München: Haus der Kunst.
Vida, Gheorghe. 2009. “Hans Mattis-Teutsch şi dialogul european al formelor.” (Hans Mattis-Teutsch and the European dialogue of forms). In Mattis-Teutsch, artist al avangardei (Mattis-Teutsch, artist of the avant-garde), edited by Radu Popica and Anca Maria Zamfir, 71–82. Braşov: Muzeul de Artă Braşov.
Pocol, Andreea, interview by Pintilescu, Corneliu, February 13, 2018. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection
Popica, Radu, interview by Pintilescu, Corneliu, February 13, 2018. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection