Nemzeti Kulturális Alap
Established by the Hungarian Parliament in 1993 to support the creation, preservation and dissemination of national and universal values, this separate state fund is now running on 90 percent of the gambling tax of Lottery 5 as its main revenue. It calls for bids to offer and award the majority of its disposable money to those who implement the winning programs through a curatorial system divided to genres and programs.
Budapest Gyulai Pál utca 13, Hungary 1085
Rodyti žemėlapyje
Interneto svetainė
Įkūrimo data
- 1993
Organizacijos pobūdis
- Kita
Veiklos pobūdis
- Vyriausybės/valstybinė įstaiga
- Archive of the Studio of Young Artists
- Artpool
- Artpool Experimental Poetry Collection
- Artpool Sound and Video Archive
- Collection of Ordass Lajos
- Ethnological Archives
- Mimesis Collection
- Nomad Dossiers
- Sociological Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Records
- Tamás Cseh Archive
- The Contemporary Collection of the Hungarian National Gallery
- Beöthy, Balázs
Pagrindinis veikėjas
2018-02-20 01:27:17