Vilniaus universiteto partijos komiteto dokumentų kolekcija atspindi oficialią politiką ir požiūrį į dėstytojus, mokslininkus ir studentus. Universiteto administracija ir partijos komitetas bandė kontroliuoti ugdymo procesą ir mokslininkų bei studentų kūrybinę išraišką. Kita vertus, šios kolekcijos dokumentai padeda geriau suprasti lietuvių tyrėjų ir studentų kūrybines ambicijas, kurios ne visada atitiko oficialią ideologiją.
Vilnius Gedimino prospektas 12, Lithuania 01103
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Kiekvienoje TSRS aukštojoje mokykloje veikė studentų mokslo draugijos (SMD). Šių organizacijų tikslas buvo ugdyti naująją inteligentų kartą, populiarinti mokslą, skleisti sovietinę ideologiją. Tačiau kaip kurios SMD peržengė šią ribą. Vilniaus universiteto istorijos SMD 8 ir 9 dešimtmečiuose ėmėsi naujų tyrimų temų, diskusijų, kurios buvo nepageidaujamos to meto sistemoje. Kolekciją parengta po interviu su Vytautu Umbrasu, buvusiu Vilniaus universiteto istorijos SMD pirmininku.
01109 Vilnius Kražių gatvė 5 , Lithuania
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The Klub Közlöny (Club Gazette) was the self-published newspaper of the Közgáz-klub (Economics Club) at the Karl Marx University of Economic Sciences (MKKE) between 1976–1987. In the newspaper, articles were published about the club’s activities and also cultural and political topics. In contrast to the official organ of the Communist Youth League (KISZ) titled Közgazdász, there were more direct and honest writings about life at the university in the uncensored Klub Közlöny, and its tone was many times more critical of the party leadership of the university. The aim of its creators was to galvanize the students and to develop the culture of debate. The issues are preserved in the archive of the Corvinus University and in the National Széchényi Library.
Budapest Fővám tér 8, Hungary 1093
Budapest Szent György tér 3, Hungary 1014
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The Andrei Partoş–Radio Vacanţa-Costineşti Private Collection includes photographs, publications, and various documents regarding a seasonal radio station that operated during the summer holiday period in Costineşti, which was officially and popularly considered to be the seaside resort for young people. This radio station and its associated activity in Costineşti was a social phenomenon without any term of comparison in the Romania of the 1980s, an epitome of the alternative culture of the younger generation under later Romanian communism and a formative experience for the generation who supports the democratic consolidation in present-day Romania.
București Strada Știrbei Vodă 162, Romania
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The Student Cultural Center (
Studentski Kulturni Centar - SKC), a gathering place for Belgrade students and young Yugoslav artists, was founded and began operations in 1971. During the 1970s, it became a hub of avant-garde movements, ideas and individuals. It played an important role in youth culture of Yugoslavia in the 1970s and 1980s. The SKC archive has rich collections of written and visual materials from socialist Yugoslavia and is an essential place for the study of cultural and artistic scenes in the era of socialism.
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