rastos kolekcijos
Įrašų skaičius puslapyje:
- Vilnius , Lithuania
- Temos:
Įkūrimo data:
- 1976
- Charakteringi eksponatai:
The collection of Ferenc Pataki includes interviews about interdisciplinary researches on “Confusion in Social Integration.” In the 1980s, the project dealt with social deviancies, which had been taboo topics for decades under socialism.
- Budapest Arany János utca 32, Hungary 1051
- Temos:
Įkūrimo data:
- 2010
- Charakteringi eksponatai:
- Paris Rue François Pinton 7, France 75019
- Temos:
Įkūrimo data:
- 1977
- Charakteringi eksponatai:
A collection of works of naive art on political and socio-critical topics, created by the amateur artist Paul Kondas. Paintings depicting these themes in Estonian history were not allowed during the Soviet period.
- 71003 Viljandi Pikk 8 , Eesti
- Temos:
Įkūrimo data:
- 1956
- Charakteringi eksponatai:
- Zagreb Trg Josipa Jurja Strossmayera, Croatia 10000
- Temos:
Įkūrimo data:
- 1945
- Charakteringi eksponatai: