The collection of the banned journal “
Mozgó Világ” (World in Move), emerging out of a retrospective exhibition, provides unique insight into the stormy history that started to unfold in the 1970s as the outcome of the decision of young writers, artists, and scholars to regain their right to radically criticize the regime, to organize their own groups, and to engage in some overt conflicts, if needed.
Szentendre , Magyarország
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The collection of manuscript magazines at the Estonian Cultural History Archives reflects the samizdat activities of writers and other cultural figures during Soviet times. It was formed in the 1990s after several donations, mostly from Jaan Isotamm. Nevertheless, the ‘almanac movement’ had numerous authors, outsiders as well as those recognised by the authorities whose works are now available in this collection. The collection contains manuscript magazines, poetry written in refugee camps, and material about religious movements and groups dealing with esoteric issues, etc. It also includes underground almanacs from Soviet times. These handwritten journals were not censored, and contain literary essays and poems, as well as socio-critical writings.
Tartu Vanemuise 42, Estonia 51003
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The Kropyvnytskyi archive is a private collection of documents related to the activities of the Kyiv Art Institute in the second half of the 1920s. The institute's rector, Ivan Vrona, appointed Marian Kropyvnytskyi an assistant for the research office of the experimental visual arts, headed by the avant-garde painter Kazimir Malevich. Kropyvnytskyi served as Malevich's personal assistant in 1928-1930. The archive contains minutes of meetings, Kropyvnytskyi's notes of Malevich's lectures, and copies of Malevich's unpublished lectures. Since the archive of the Institute was destroyed, the Kropyvnytskyi collection is probably the only collection that contains documents about the Institute's history in the interwar period.
Kyiv Khreschatyk Street 15, Ukraine
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The personal collection of Milan Knížák (born 1940), a Czech artist, poet and founder of the group Aktual, contains unique books of the events organised by Aktual, one of the sources mapping the life of the provocative artist, the Czechoslovak underground and alternative art of the 1960s.
Strahovské nádvoří 1, 118 38 Praha 1 - Hradčany, Czech Republic
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Miodrag Mica Popovic (1923-1996) was a painter, art critic, writer and academician. Popovic's lifestyle itself can be described as in cultural opposition to the regime and government that imposed its own ideological forms. Until the end of his life, he clearly demonstrated his incompatibility with the system, which let him stay faithful to the ideal of free thinking and expression. The images from the series the ‘Scenes Painting’ [Slikarstvo prizora] stem from the period between 1968 to 1971. Through that series the artist critized the social and political circumstances in socialist Yugoslavia.
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