Benedikt Rejt Gallery and its collection were founded in the 1960s with the aim of collecting contemporary tendencies in visual arts. The gallery kept buying works by progressive artists even after 1968. The Benedikt Rejt Gallery owns a unique collection of constructivist pieces.
Pivovarská 29, 440 01 Louny, Czech Republic
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Frantisek Starek was one of the leading figures of the Czechoslovak underground movement and culture. Due to his long-lasting activity, he has built a very rich and interesting collection. In this collection, a lot of material – often unique – about Czechoslovak counterculture and personal resistance can be found. The collection covers the time period from the seventies to the nineties.
Praha, Prague, Czech Republic
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This immense archive of over 170.000 photographs is a unique account of economic, political, sport, cultural and everyday life in socialist Poland of the 1950s and the 1960s. They are the life’s work of photographer Eustachy Kossakowski. The collection contains press reportages created in cooperation with socio-cultural magazines, documentation of artistic life including exhibitions, happenings, installations, theatre spectacles and environment art, as well as the social life of artists. The archive also includes conceptual photography projects, which brought Kossakowski recognition in France in 1970s.
Warszawa Pańska 3, Poland
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This fascinating collection sheds insight on generally unknown moments of everyday life in southwest Bulgaria during state socialism, including: the experience of and resistance against collectivization; experiences reflecting the religious policy of the communist regime (e.g. towards Muslims) and others elements of everyday life. The collection is one of the first created by the Balkan Society for Autobiography and Social Communication - Blagoevgrad (BSASC). It mainly consists of oral histories and photographic documentation, which aim to share ordinary people's experience of socialism.
Blagoevgrad, South West University "Neofit Rilski"
Blagoevgrad, South-West University, Bulgaria
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1970s witnessed the birth of Polish neo-avant-garde milieu of film artists.
Their works constitute the core of the impressive collection of short and experimental films created by visual artists. Polish 20
th and 21
st century art abounded in interesting productions of this kind, which today are known as video art. Filmoteka is a department of the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, which conducts research, collects, digitalises, and publishes aforementioned films to general public.
Warszawa Pańska 3, Poland
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