“Šmaikščioji rezistentė Aldona Liobytė” – taip buvo pavadinta rašytoja, publicistė ir vertėja Aldona Liobytė pirmoje knygoje apie ją. Būdama labai aktyvia asmenybe, turinčia puikų humoro jausmą, Liobytė tapo sovietmečio Lietuvos inteligentijos neformalių tinklų iniciatore ir lydere. Ji palaikė ryšius ir susirašinėjo su dideliu menininkų būriu, diskutuodama ir patardama jauniems kūrėjams kokių kūrybinių temų imtis, taip pat kasdieniais gyvenimo klausimais. Bendraudama ji jumoristiškai ir sarkazmo forma išsakydavo daug kritikos tuometinei santvarkai. Nors dėl savo idėjų ir pasisakymų ji ir buvo priversta palikti Grožinės literatūros leidyklos redaktorės pareigas, ji tęsė darbą kūrybos srityje, rašė kūrinius vaikams, vertė kūrinius iš užsienio kalbos į lietuvių kalbą.
Kolekciją sudaro dokumentai, saugomi Maironio lietuvių literatūros muziejuje ir Liobytės dukros Gintarės Paškevičiūtės – Breivienės privačioje kolekcijose.
Kaunas Rotušės aikštė 13, Lithuania 44239
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Charakteringi eksponatai:
The Aktionsgruppe Banat Ad-hoc Collection reflects the type of cultural opposition represented by a group of Romanian-German writers, who founded together the literary circle Aktionsgruppe Banat and developed a neo-Marxist criticism of “really existing socialism.” The collection comprises two types of items: (1) manuscripts and other materials confiscated by the Securitate from these writers, (2) documents issued by the Securitate concerning their cultural activity, which the communist regime perceived as dangerous.
București Strada Matei Basarab 55, Romania 030167
Charakteringi eksponatai:
Through colour photographs and slides, the Alexandru Barnea private collection documents the demolitions imposed by the communist regime in the centre of Bucharest following the devastating earthquake of 1977, which served as a pretext for the destruction or mutilation of many historic monuments. The policy of demolishing the architectural and urbanistic heritage has been considered one of the most aberrant and arbitrary measures in the recent history of Romania.
București Drumul Taberei 18, Romania 061344
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The Andrei Pandele private collection is the most significant testimony in pictures, mainly black and white, to the demolition of historic monuments and districts in the Romanian capital in the period of late communism. Together with photographs that are essential for the preservation of the memory of a mutilated city and a vanished cultural heritage, the collection also includes a series of images capturing aspects of the degradation everyday life throughout the profound crisis of the 1980s. These suggest both the absurdity of the policies of the Ceaușescu regime and the grotesque mutations in the everyday routine of ordinary people to which these policies gave rise.
București Strada Dumbrava Roșie 12, Romania 030167
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The Andrei Partoş–Radio Vacanţa-Costineşti Private Collection includes photographs, publications, and various documents regarding a seasonal radio station that operated during the summer holiday period in Costineşti, which was officially and popularly considered to be the seaside resort for young people. This radio station and its associated activity in Costineşti was a social phenomenon without any term of comparison in the Romania of the 1980s, an epitome of the alternative culture of the younger generation under later Romanian communism and a formative experience for the generation who supports the democratic consolidation in present-day Romania.
București Strada Știrbei Vodă 162, Romania
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