The digital photography collection of Harald Hauswald was acquired at the end of 2017 by the Federal Foundation for the Reappraisal of the SED Dictatorship. It represents a valuable collection from one of the most significant photographers from the GDR. Hauswald’s snapshots from everyday life in East Berlin provide insight into a bygone era, and which acquired public acclaim and support following the toppling of the regime in 1990. The current collection is in the process to be expanded and by the end of 2019 is expected to include the photographer’s entire life work in digitalized form.
10117 Berlin Kronenstraße 5
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The large collection of different works of art belonging to the artist Heldur Viires reflects the activities of the Tartu Circle, a group of artists in Tartu. Some of these artists, including Viires himself, were sent to a prison camp in 1949. The Tartu Circle used the picturesque style, which opposed the Soviet view of art. In this way, young artists in the group resisted the strict rules of Socialist Realism.
Tartu Raekoja plats 8, Estonia 51003
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The Herta Müller Ad-hoc Collection at CNSAS focuses on the case of the Romanian-born German writer Herta Müller and the way in which the Romanian secret police, the Securitate, monitored the development of her cultural opposition towards the communist regime. The documents of the collection show that Herta Müller came to the unwanted attention of the Securitate as her writings shed a negative light on “socialist reality” and they intensified their informative surveillance of her as her prose reached a larger and more international audience.
București Strada Matei Basarab 55, Romania 030167
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This digital archive presents visual and textual materials relating to the creative practices and material culture of the religious underground located within the archives of the secret police in Central and Eastern Europe. These unique materials offer an insight into the religious lives of ordinary members of minority communities under repressive regimes in twentieth century Hungary, Romania, Moldova and Ukraine. The archive is designed to enable researchers to find difficult to locate files that contain materials confiscated from religious groups as well as representations of these religious groups created by the secret police.
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The History of Homosexuality in Croatia Collection covers some of the most salient aspects of Croatian gay and lesbian private and public life in the socialist period (1945-1990). Court verdicts for same-sex sexual relations testify to the active institutional persecution of homosexuality, mostly in the immediate post-war period, in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Personal memories and oral history recollections illustrate the harsh everyday life reality of homosexuals in socialist Yugoslavia, but they also tell amazing stories of individual or collective resistance to institutional and social homophobia.
Zagreb Petrinjska ulica, Croatia 10000
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